Novelty/Patentability Search

Patentability Search/Novelty Search is an in-depth search performed by experts on a patent to identify any prior art related to invention of patentee. Unlike a Knockout Search, Patentability goes into a comprehensive and detailed study of all areas covered in your patent application. This search is recommended to be done before filing the patent specifications.

Patentability Search/Novelty Search not only helps determine the patent application’s eligibility for a patent, but also provides an overview of modification that is required to make the application eligible for a patent.

A Patentability Search involves searching through all the prior art matter available in the commercial database to determine if an invention is novel in its application. This includes all the information available in the public domain, patent literature, Patent non-literature and foreign databases as all existing patents tend to be available to the public. Prior art is the information that is available prior to the effective date of a patent application.

A Patentability Search prior to filing a patent:

  • Speeds up prosecution of a patent, as the claims may be configured to consider the prior art.
  • It reduces overall costs by saving time, as potential future hurdles may be avoided.
  • It indicates where research and development investments should be allocated if an unexplored field is discovered.
  • It indicates existing technology which could be problematic from an infringement perspective. Please note that an infringement analysis is a different type of search.

How InventionIP can support you for Patentability Search?

InventionIP creates an exhaustive Patentability Search report for your invention so that you can accordingly make your future decisions for your application.


Our experts discuss the application, your requirements and the extent of your application before getting started with your project. Confidentiality is ensured.

Review, analysis and quotation

Your application is reviewed and accordingly the best discounted fee as per the application is quoted.

Instruction received and work begins

Post fee quotations, your instructions are awaited in order to begin your search. Accordingly, the project is delivered in your required

Why Patentability Search?

A Patentability Search helps us with identifying and mapping the potential references that can be found by the examiner at the examination stage.

It also helps save excessive cost, effort and time that goes into redefining the patent application and further complicates the process.

The same can be applied for Design Patentability Searches which searches the eligibility of the patentability of a Design Patentability Search.

What information is needed for a patentability search?

  • If you hire a patent expert to do the novelty search, you will need to supply a detailed description of the invention, which includes drawings, figures, and photographs, and any other relevant information.
  • You would also need to provide a draft patent application or draft claim set and, if applicable, a corporate invention disclosure form.

As the novelty search provides insight into existing technology (i.e., the state-of-the-art related to the invention), it helps while drafting the patent application as we are aware what not to focus on. This may help the drafter to focus on those points of novelty of the invention that may have a greater chance of a patent being granted.

What are the criteria for a Patentability Search?

Patent application must satisfy the following three criteria:

Novelty: This means that your invention must not have been made public- not even by yourself- before the date of the application.

Inventive Step: This means that your product or process must be an invention solution. It should not be a kind of invention that would be evident to a manufacturer.

Industrial Applicability: This criterion implies that it must be possible to manufacture the invention.

Why InventionIP for Patentability Search?

  • We provide end-to-end patent searches in all domains.
  • With our patent services, we help save additional resources, time and money spent on applications that may not be eligible for patent.
  • Our experts are professionally trained to deliver results with great precision and accuracy.
  • We know our clients’ needs and work continuously to ensure that their needs are met.
  • We make sure to protect the privacy of our client’s patent information through all means.

Patentability Search FAQ's

  • How do you conduct a Patentability Search?

    In order to conduct a Patentability Search, our experts search through all the prior art matter available in the commercial database to determine if an invention is novel in its application. This includes all the information available in the public domain, patent literature, Patent non-literature and foreign databases as all existing patents tend to be available to the public. Prior art is the information that is available prior to the effective date of a patent application.

  • What is novelty search and why is it important?

    Novelty Search is an in-depth search performed by experts on a patent to identify any prior art related to the invention of the patentee. Novelty Search not only helps determine the patent application’s eligibility for a patent, but also provides an overview of modification that is required to make the application eligible for a patent.

  • What is the difference between Novelty and Patentability Search?

    A Novelty and a Patentability Search are the same search known with two different names. Both are used the same way.

  • What are the basic requirements of Patentability Search?

    For a Patentability Search, a patent application must satisfy the following three criteria:

    Novelty: This means that your invention must not have been made public in any way even before the date of the application.

    Inventive Step: This means that your product or process must be an invention solution. It should not be a kind of invention that would be evident to a manufacturer.

    Industrial Applicability: This criterion implies that it must be possible to manufacture the invention.