Trademark Search

Before one takes the decision to file for a Trademark, one must conduct a Trademark Search in order to find any potential or existing trademark application or registered trademarks.

 Before a trademark application is filed, one must always search the USPTO or the region’s local Trademark office database to see if a Trademark has already been registered of applied for that is:
Similar to the applicant’s trademark.

  • Used on any related product or service.
  • Being used live.

If the applicant’s Trademark fulfills any of the above criteria, the Trademark will be prevented from being registered because it creates confusion.

A Trademark Search report is important for individuals and companies that intend to register a trademark but want to know everything about availability, comparable marks, and other information before applying in order to save time and money.

The Trademark search will assist you in determining the availability of the trademarks, the status of any comparable marks that have been applied, and any other relevant information that will assist you in creating the brand name, logo, or a combination of the two.

A Trademark can be a name of a brand, catchphrase or logo associated with them. These act as a ‘face’ of the brand or business which ultimately increases the brand recognition and value over time.

How InventionIP can support you for Trademark Search?

InventionIP can assist you in making the right decision for your trademark search with our exhaustive reports of your project.

Professional experts

Our experts discuss the project and your requirements and set the expectations for the outcome of the project. We also ensure the confidentiality of your project.

Review, analysis and quotation

We review your documents and accordingly share with you the best discounted fee.

Instruction received and work begins

Post sharing the fee quotations, instructions are awaited to begin your search. Once search is completed, the reports are shared with you in your requested format.

Protecting your Trademark

 Hundreds of Trademark registrations are filled everyday and it is important to know your Trademark rights are protected. New Trademark registration can attempt to register your Trademark or similar Trademark as your hence, making it important to know that no such registrations are happening.

Why InventionIP for Trademark Search?

  • We provide end-to-end Trademark searches and reports in multiple domains.
  • With our Trademark services, we help save additional resources, time and money spent on applications that may not be eligible for patent.
  • Our experts are professionally trained to deliver results with great precision and accuracy.
  • We know our clients’ needs and work continuously to ensure that their needs are met.
  • We make sure to protect the privacy of our client’s patent information through all means.

Trademark Search FAQ's

  • What is a Trademark search?

    The Trademark search will assist you in determining the availability of the trademarks, the status of any comparable marks that have been applied, and any other relevant information that will assist you in creating the brand name, logo, or a combination of the two.

  • Is a Trademark search worth it?

    Yes. A Trademark Search report is important for individuals and companies that intend to register a trademark but want to know everything about availability, comparable marks, and other information before applying in order to save time and money.

  • How is Trademark search done?

    In order to do a Trademark search, we always search the USPTO or the region’s local Trademark office database to see if a Trademark has already been registered or applied for that is:

    • Similar to the applicant’s trademark.
    • Used on any related product or service.
    • Being used live.
  • What is a Trademark vs Copyright?

    A Trademark is issued to help distinguish your brand, mark or logo from others. A Copyright is used to prevent your creative content being used by others without your consent.