Trademark Filing

Trademark filing helps to protect the ‘face’ of your brand. A Trademark could either be a logo, letter, name, color combination or a design that distinguishes your brand’s product or services in the market. Trademark registration helps the business to invent the brand and make the product/services recognizable in the market.

Having a registered Trademark act as an Intellectual Property or an intangible asset for the company. It also provides a brand standing in the company’s field and builds trust for the investors.

To file a Trademark, there are multiple requirements that are needed to be met depending upon the country where the Trademark is being filed. The basic requirements for filing a Trademark are:

  • Logo, name or any distinguished mark.
  • Identify proof of mark if available
  • Company certificate if filing for a company
  • Address proof.

InventionIP can help you file your Trademark in numerous countries like the US, UK, Europe, China, South Korea etc.

How InventionIP can support you for Trademark Filing?

InventionIP can assist you in making the right decision for your trademark filing.


Our experts team discuss the project and your requirements and set the expectations for the outcome of the project. We also ensure the confidentiality of your project.

Review, analysis and quotation

We review your documents and accordingly share with you the best discounted fee.

Instruction received and work begins

Post sharing the fee quotations, instructions are awaited to begin your trademark filing.

Why InventionIP for Trademark Filing?

  • We provide end-to-end Trademark searches and filing in multiple domains and countries.
  • With our patent services, we help save additional resources, time and money spent on applications that may not be eligible for patent.
  • Our experts are professionally trained to deliver results with great precision and accuracy.
  • We know our clients’ needs and work continuously to ensure that their needs are met.
  • We make sure to protect the privacy of our client’s patent information through all means.

Trademark Filing FAQ's

  • What is a Trademark filing?

    Trademark filing helps to protect the ‘face’ of your brand. A Trademark could either be a logo, letter, name, color combination or a design that distinguishes your brand’s product or services in the market.

  • What is required to file a Trademark?

    To file a Trademark, there are multiple requirements that are needed to be met depending upon the country where the Trademark is being filed. The basic requirements for filing a Trademark are:

    • Logo, name or any distinguished mark.
    • Identify proof of mark if available
    • Company certificate if filing for a company
    • Address proof.
  • What are the rules for Trademarks?

    Trademark rules differ from region to region. However, the most common rules are that the applicant must provide their address, the illustration of the trademark, the use of their trademark, provide entity type and give a detailed description of the trademark.