Patent Infringement Search

Patent Infringement searches are done to identify the products or processes that are using the valid and unexpired patented inventions done within the country. The patent owner can conduct it and legally challenge the violator. The result of a Patent infringement search is provided as Evidence of Use charts, where potentially infringing features of products are mapped with claiming elements of patent.

Patent Infringement search helps prevent inventors or investors from wasting their time and valuable sources on an idea that already exists or can be infringed in their country of interest. This helps prevent any future legal repercussions or infringement which could lead to the company incurring a bad press regarding infringement and extra cost fighting the legal case.

Hence, it is recommended to perform a Patent Infringement search to make sure none of the resources and time is being wasted by the company.

How InventionIP can support you for Patent Infringement Search?

InventionIP can assist you in making the right decision for your project with our exhaustive reports of your project.


Our experts discuss the patent and your requirements and set the expectations for the outcome of the project. We also ensure the confidentiality of your project.

Review, analysis and quotation

We review your documents and accordingly share with you the best discounted fee.

Instruction received and work begins

Post sharing the fee quotations, instructions are awaited to begin your search. Once search is completed, the reports are shared with you in your requested format.

Why Patent Infringement Search

  • To get claim amendments during a prosecution.
  • To protect illegal uses of a patented invention by monitoring infringement by competitors.
  • To provide patent owners use patents in licensing opportunities and monetize patents before they go out of trend.

Why InventionIP for Patent Infringement Search

  •  We provide end-to-end patent searches in all domains.
  • With our patent services, we help save additional resources, time and money spent on applications that may not be eligible for patent.
  • Our experts are professionally trained to deliver results with great precision and accuracy.
  • We know our clients’ needs and work continuously to ensure that their needs are met.
  • We make sure to protect the privacy of our client’s patent information through all means.

Infringement Search FAQ's

  • What is a Patent Infringement Search?

    Patent Infringement searches are done to identify the products or processes that are using the valid and unexpired patented inventions done within the country.

  • How do you determine Patent Infringement?

    Whether or not infringement is taking place depends upon the analysis of whether the features of the alleged infringing item are covered by the claims of the patent.

  • How can you avoid Patent Infringement?

    By conducting Freedom to Operate searches for your patent to understand if you are infringing on any existing technology through your patent.