State of the Art Search

State of the Art Search is a highly aimed search towards a specific technology area designed to enable patent inventee study the domain of that technology.

This type of search is done for inventors who are interested in the latest development of technology in their domain in order to further study, develop and strategize their technology with time.

The search done is comprehensive and covers all the details related and beneficial to the inventor. It helps understand how others have overcome a technical problem and understand the further development that could be made on it. Thus avoid resources wasted on those inventions that are a dead-end and allow research and move to areas that could be more productive.

Usually this search is conducted on all available, patent, non-patent literature, paid or unpaid sources to get as many details as possible.

How InventionIP can support you for State of Art?

InventionIP creates an exhaustive State of Art report for your project so that you can accordingly make your future decisions for your application.


Our experts discuss the technology, your requirements and the extent of your Invention before getting started with your project. Confidentiality is ensured.

Review, analysis and quotation

Your technology and invention is reviewed and accordingly the best discounted fee as per the application is quoted.

Instruction received and work begins

Post fee quotations, your instructions are awaited in order to begin your search. Accordingly, the project is delivered in your requested format.

Why conduct a State of the Art Search?

 There are two major objectives to conduct a State of the Art search:

Entering a new technology: If you are strategizing to enter or invest in a new field of technology, it is recommended to have a State of the Art Search done in order to have a clear understanding of the developments, emerging trends and the explored concept of the technology. This can determine and bring forth the information needed to make decisions in favor or against the business.

Review the development: An organization actively working in a specific field needs to be able to understand where the technology is headed in the future by researching and analyzing the latest development or reassessing the past invention and patterns.

Why InventionIP for State of the Art Search?

  • We provide end-to-end patent searches in all domains.
  • With our patent services, we help save additional resources, time and money spent on applications that may not be eligible for patent.
  • Our experts are professionally trained to deliver results with great precision and accuracy.
  • We know our clients’ needs and work continuously to ensure that their needs are met.
  • We make sure to protect the privacy of our client’s patent information through all means.

State of the Art FAQ's

  • What is State of the Art Search?

    State of the Art Search is a highly aimed search towards a specific technology area designed to enable patent inventee study the domain of that technology.